con·sid·er·ationnoun \kən-ˌsi-də-ˈrā-shən\Definition of CONSIDERATION
: continuous and careful thought <after long consideration he agreed to their requests>
a : a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan <economic considerations forced her to leave college>b : a taking into account
: thoughtful and sympathetic regard
Consideration. Specifically, in the sense of the third definition. Apparently it's missing in some people's vocabulary. Inconsiderate people are so annoying it isn't funny. (To be fair, being annoying doesn't convey even the slightest humour at most condition). Unsurprisingly, there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of inconsiderate people. It's as if they lost the DNA code that program them to be considerate inside their mothers' wombs. Or maybe they had (arguably) accidentally left it behind when they were racing against another sperm. The commonness of these incidents is seriously very high (at least from what I observe), judging from the amount of those who lack of the sense of consideration. There are so many examples of inconsiderate actions. Seriously. For example:
I don't know if I insulted anyone with those examples. I don't intend to. I just want to remind you. You're living in a planet full of people. And these people have different limits in terms of level of tolerance. You'll never know when you'll piss the wrong person off. So unless you find your own planet and live there alone, please, be considerate. Think of the people around you. I'm not saying I'm the most considerate person in the world (nor am I in the top million or something), but at least I try. I try to remain considerate in the presence of others and I try to remain so in conciousness as well. -- Sigh, I need to learn to incorporate humour into some of my complaints like Ryan Higa. After all, I won't know when I've pissed the wrong person off too, right? |