If I were to make a metaphor, I would say that people are all paper thin. And thus, people drift away most of the time. Even those who care for you. Even those who support you. Sometimes it doesn't matter even if you try your best to cling hard on them. And before you know it, both of you are no longer walking on the same pace. Slowly, slowly, the road that both of you have been used to all this time started to widen and split into two or more junctions. You may hesitate. You may stop. You may consider, ponder, and analyse before proceeding. Your companion may wait for you too. But I assure you, they won't wait forever. Forever is too long of time. And even if you have made your choice, their choice wouldn't necessarily be similar with that of yours. Or sometimes it was the other way around. It may be you who left them. And now, you're walking in your chosen path. Maybe you've met a new companion. Maybe your new companion is much closer than your past companion had ever been. Maybe you're much surer now. However. Every time you turn back, you will witness your history, every single precious moment carved on the path you've passed by. It would be tormenting. It would make you wonder. It would make you waver. What-ifs may surface. And perhaps, regrets may peek in as well. And this is the time when you have to remind yourself of what you have now, what is waiting for you in front. You can't take any step back. Your only option is to proceed. Labels: personal |